The browser based WebSphere Application Server (WAS) administration console is not an ideal interface for displaying runtime status. In addition, when working with the Service Integration Bus in WAS V6, the resources associated with a bus are spread over numerous panels. For a while now, those of use in IBM have had the pleasure of using an SWT application written by a colleague in development (Gareth Matthews) that provides a single viewpoint of the bus resources defined across multiple cells and their current runtime state. The legal niceties having being resolved, this fantastic tool is now available for all on alphaWorks.
Particularly useful are some of the debug capabilities that have been included such as being able to place a test message on a queue, clear a queue, restart a server and set a trace specification. The application utilizes the public MBean and JMS interfaces so also acts as a demonstration of some of the capabilities that customers could include in their own monitoring tools.