Continuous Development with Skaffold

Next on the list of projects utilised by Jenkins X (and this is a theme that could run and run) is Google’s Skaffold. There is an intersection between the capabilities of Skaffold and Draft. Skaffold does not provide anything like packs (this is where Jenkins X uses Draft) so you need to provide your own Dockerfile and Kubernetes configuration (raw YAML, kustomize templates, and Helm charts are supported). Both projects, however, aim to simplify the process of building an image and deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster to speed iterative development of applications that have hard dependencies on a Kubernetes environment, or the services running therein.

In the Skaffold case, a skaffold run will do a one-time build and deploy and a skaffold dev will continuously monitor the filesystem to determine when to rebuild and update. As previously discussed, the value of being able to do this versus needing a smart incremental deployment from an IDE is very much dependent on how quick that rebuild process is for your application language/runtime of choice. As with Draft, it has the ability to allow you to skip pushing to a registry when you’re working with a local cluster.

So what does Skaffold offer that Draft doesn’t? Principally, that it is not designed to be used solely at development time. The idea is that the same skaffold run may also be used as part of your continuous deployment pipeline. If you’re a GCP user, this extends to capabilities like using Google Cloud Builder or Kaniko rather than a simple Docker build and, of course, interaction with a registry.

As this annotated skaffold.yaml shows, it has a few other neat tricks. You have lots of flexibility over the tagging scheme used for images: SHA, git commit ID, timestamp, or a Golang template. For a Docker build, you can specify build arguments and cache images. You can even configure a bazel build instead of a Docker build.

One thing to watch is that you adhere to the convention used for substituting the names of the built images. When using Helm, for example, the default behaviour is to pass the combination of image repository/name and tag as a single value. If you chart is using the default Helm convention of separate .repository and .tag values then you need to specify a different imageStrategy. If your chart expects a three-way split between repository, name, and tag, then you’re on your own!

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