Docker swarm mode on IBM SoftLayer

Having written a few posts on using the IBM Containers service in Bluemix I thought I’d cover another option for running Docker on IBM Cloud: using Docker on VMs provisioned from IBM’s SoftLayer IaaS. This is particularly easy with Docker Machine as there is a SoftLayer driver. As the docs state, there are three required values which I prefer to set as the environment variables SOFTLAYER_USER, SOFTLAYER_API_KEY and SOFTLAYER_DOMAIN. The instructions to retrieve/generate an API key for your SoftLayer account are here. Don’t worry if you don’t have a domain name free – it is only used as a suffix on the machine names when they appear in the SoftLayer portal so any valid value will do. With those variables exported, spinning up three VMs with Docker is as simple as:

Provisioning the VMs and installing the latest Docker engine may take some time. Thankfully, initialising swarm mode across the three VMs with a single manager and two worker nodes can then be achieved very quickly:

Now we can target our local client at the swarm and create a service (running the WebSphere Liberty ferret application):

Once service ps reports the task as running, due to the routing mesh, we can call the application via any of the nodes:

Scale up the number of instances and wait for all three to report as running:

With the default spread strategy, you should end up with a container on each node:

Note that the image has a healthcheck defined which uses the default interval of 30 seconds so expect it to take some multiple of 30 seconds for each task to start. Liam’s WASdev article talks more about the healthcheck and also demonstrates how to rollout an update. Here I’m going to look at the reconciliation behaviour. Let’s stop one of the work nodes and then watch the task state again:

You will see the swarm detect that the task is no longer running on the node that has been stopped and is moved to one of the two remaining nodes:

(You’ll see that there is a niggle here in the reporting of the state of the task that is shutdown.)

This article only scratches the surface of the capabilities of both swarm mode and SoftLayer. For the latter, I’d particularly recommend looking at the bare metal capabilities where you can benefit from the raw performance of containers without the overhead of a hypervisor.

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