There is an interesting developerWorks article covering the JAX-RPC Web Services support in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1. It demonstrates how this support alone can provide some of the benefits normally associated with an enterprise service bus, namely location transparency (WSDL endpoints can be overridden in the administrative console) and protocol transparency (SOAP/HTTP, SOAP/JMS or RMI/IIOP). As the article goes on to state, the combination of WebSphere ESB and Service Registry and Repository can give you much more dynamic behaviour when trying to achieve the first of these but if all you need is the ability to modify endpoints when, for example, moving from the development environment in to production, then this may suffice.
Archive for the ‘WebSphere’ Category
JAX-RPC Web Services
Saturday, June 9th, 2007Creating your own mediation primitive
Saturday, June 9th, 2007The WebSphere Integration Developer InfoCenter contains a section on creating your own mediation primitive to sit on the palette alongside the standard set of primitives. If you prefer learning by example, then Russ Butek has a developerWorks article out that leads you through the steps to create and deploy a simple primitive that writes all or part of a Service Message Object out to the console. (A handy primitive to have in your toolkit in its own right.)
Registry and Repository Access Control
Thursday, June 7th, 2007If you’re going to put all of your services in to a single registry along with the artefacts that describe them then security is going to be important to you. WebSphere Service Registry and Repository has a comprehensive fine-grained access control mechanism based on the industry standard XACML. There is a developerWorks series starting which describes the details. (And no, I’m not just plugging it because Gary was once my mountain marathon partner!)
Web Service Transactions
Monday, June 4th, 2007As I’ve mentioned previously, shortly after I first joined IBM I was a member of the development team for the transactions component, initially of Component Broker and then WebSphere Application Server. My team leader back then was one Ian Robinson. Ian has since risen to the heady heights of Senior Technical Staff Member and I’m glad to say that he now acts as my mentor. Ian is co-chair of the OASIS WS-Tx committee and, as announced on his blog (of which I had no idea of the existence), Version 1.1 of the standard has just been announced. Ian has also added his name to the list of contributors on the WebSphere Community Blog (note the new location) having authored a lengthy article on the support for Web Service Transactions in WebSphere Application Server.
Process Server and ESB exception handling
Monday, May 21st, 2007Another useful fact I picked up at WSTC was around retry behaviour for JMS exports. Pamela Fong and Jeff Brent have put together a very detailed developerWorks article covering all aspects of exception handling in WebSphere Process Server and WebSphere ESB. Definitely worth trying to get your head round this stuff.
Virtualized WebSphere Application Server
Monday, May 21st, 2007I mentioned that Ruth Willenborg gave a presentation at WSTC on virtualization and WebSphere Application Server. She now has an article on developerWorks that covers one technique she was talking about: creating and then deploying customized WebSphere Application Server images. Now where this gets really interesting is when you apply it to something like WebSphere Process Server…
.Net access to WebSphere Service Regstiry and Repository
Sunday, May 13th, 2007The subject of accsesing WebSphere Service Registry and Repository from a .Net environment is one that crops up frequently on the newsgroups. It’s therefore great to see that John Colgrave and other members of the development team have released a developerWorks article on this topic.
Registry updates
Tuesday, May 8th, 2007Another plug for the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Handbook as a) it has been recently refreshed and b) that refresh saw my name added back in to the acknowledgements. And, while on this subject, I think I’ve probably neglected to highlight the Version 6.0.2 announcement that came out in the middle of last month. The key new features are undoubtedly UDDI synchronization, high availability through clustering, and binary document support. Electronic availability is slated for 25 May.