Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Kubb co-incidence

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

Whilst out running in Oslo last week I kept coming across groups in the park lobbing wooden batons at a selection of wooden cuboids stood in a rectangle. I had no idea what they were up to. Lo and behold, what should come up on the Today programme this morning but the game of Kubb. Perhaps I’ll buy a set next time I’m over there. Could be tricky with just hand luggage though!

Room allocation

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

124I’m staying at the Radisson Scandinavia in Oslo for the second week running and was surprised to find myself in a very contemporary looking room (see photo of headboard with illuminating plastic panels) compared with the relatively normal affair I had last week. I can’t help wondering whether this is because I checked in on Sunday night wearing jeans and T-shirt rather than the business casual I was wearing when I arrived last Monday. Perhaps I’m reading too much in to this!

One tip if you find yourself staying here but, like me, out of town during the day. Don’t pay the exorbitant prices to stay in the hotel car park as parking on the surrounding roads is free between 5pm and 8am. If you fancy a lie in you can always put money on a meter the night before.

Icelandic adventures

Saturday, July 8th, 2006

117Iceland wouldn’t have been our first choice for a holiday destination but Christine’s attendance at the EURO 2006 conference gave us (and it seemed, most of the rest of the operational research world) a good excuse to make the trip.


Jukola post-race analysis

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

Went to the TracTrac site to relive the excitement of the last leg of Jukola over again. Then, for the reader’s amusement, added my own route to the RouteGadget map.

JOK triumphs at Jukola

Monday, June 19th, 2006

105The pressure was on this weekend as JOK had laid down the gauntlet to other British clubs at Jukola, the seven man night relay held in Finland each year. In addition to some familiar faces in the LOK team (mostly from Happy Herts), this had encouraged a team of fresh-faced youngsters from Nottingham to enter. To increase our chances, Jon Cross had done a fantastic job in pulling together three JOK teams plus four women for Venla, the women’s race.


Lounging about in Verona

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

99Just back from a two-day trip to Verona. Fortunately the rain stopped for long enough for myself and a colleague to wander around the city centre taking a few shots of the sights. The sun was even shining for a while although the sky largely remained an ominous dark grey. My colleague had both an early flight and the car so I arrived at the airport before my check-in even opened. Unusually I was flying business class so could get some work done in the lounge. Indeed, by the time the flight had been delay 75 minutes, I’d got about 4 hours work done. The food in the lounge wasn’t up to much though – I’m not sure that many pistachio nuts are good for you!

Danish deer

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

93Had another great run this evening. Drove the few miles to Dyrehaven, Copenhagen’s equivalent of Richmond Park. The deer were certainly in evidence and generally much tamer than those in the New Forest (10 metres was about the limit before they would take off) although one of the first herd I came across tried to make a run at me. Unfortunately my camera battery gave out shortly before reaching a group of stags with impressive antlers.

Lyngby Lakes

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

90Staying in a hotel out of the city centre definitely has its benefits. As you can see from the photo, Lyngby is a pretty green place and I enjoyed a 50 minute run, mostly off-road, including a trip around one of the lakes. Even managed to get my trainers muddy which isn’t something I often achieve while away on business!