The Tower

950I took the Bank Holiday week off work and, having not booked to go away anywhere, we spent an extended weekend at my parents’. On the Monday, we took advantage of the increased proximity to London and had a family trip (my brother included) to visit the Tower of London as known to Emma through “Katie in London” and “Paddington at the Tower”. The highlight of the trip was probably not the Crown Jewels (for which there was a mercifully short queue). I’m not easily impressed – from a distance, it could easily all be cubic zirconia! The battle between knights that took place in the grounds shortly after we arrived seemed to be Emma’s favourite.

We didn’t take a guided tour from one of the Beefeaters. Whilst I was minding a sleeping Duncan in the pushchair, I did follow one tour to get a look in the chapel. After being regaled with gruesome tales for 5 minutes (the guide also does Jack the Ripper on Wednesday evenings!) I was rather glad that I didn’t have Emma with me. Having visited almost every corner of the castle, there was only time for a fleeting trip to Tower Bridge before it was time to return home (leaving Michael to enjoy his evening Prom in peace!).

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