I’ve got rather used to going along to the orienteering club’s summer series events and getting round the longest course in around half an hour. It was therefore a bit of a shock to the system to get to today’s event and realise that it was going to be a one hour score event. Oh well – that’s only a maximum of one hour I thought to myself. I should, however, have realised that with Jane planning I wasn’t going to be back in much under 60 minutes. As it turned out, I failed to get three controls despite covering over 8 miles in 59:07. It was certainly a good workout though with my heart rate averaging at 172.
The others had done a yellow course whilst I was out. Unfortunately it started to tip it down shortly after Christine set off. We repaired to the car where Duncan proceeded to insert coins in to the CD player (anyone have a set of removal keys so I can turn it upside-down and shake them out?!). By Christine’s return there was blue sky everywhere – just a shame that more people hadn’t hung on a bit for the Summer Series prize giving and club BBQ.