Archive for the ‘Photography’ Category
Monday, January 26th, 2009
709A visiting friend and a dry forecast was all the excuse we needed to head over to Marwell Zoo on Saturday. It’s the first time we’ve taken Emma and she’s certainly of an age where she can take it all in now. There’s a good range of animals from giraffes to ants and everything inbetween and having arrived before eleven we were there until closing time. It’s perhaps debateable whether Emma enjoyed the playgrounds more than the animals though! Still, entry is free (for her) until she reaches three. I had the camera out but I’m not particularly impressed with any of the photos I took. The slightly less mediocre ones are over on Flickr.
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Saturday, January 10th, 2009
706It was the Hampshire Cross-Country Champs today which, as in recent years, was held at Dibden. The temperature was in the low single figures and, as we drove down to the event, the trees had a good frosting on them. The timing of the senior races is always a bit awkward with Christine off at 12:50 and myself 50 minutes later. This meant I was feeding Emma her lunch whilst Christine was out running and trying not to eat too much of it myself!
Posted in Photography, Running | 2 Comments »
Thursday, July 31st, 2008
637Next stop from Bergen was Gudvangen where we were staying at Gudvangen Camping in another hut. Sat on the balcony of our accommodation we had a great view of the waterfalls tumbling down the cliff face opposite – all the more so when the sunshine was replaced by an impressive thunderstorm in the evening. It was hard to believe that the road we looked out over was the main route from Oslo to Bergen, particularly as the traffic seemed mainly to consist of empty tour buses!
Posted in Family, Photography, Travel | Comments Off on Trains and (more) fjords
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
547I’m having a day off running today but it was such a lovely evening, and Christine had a day ticket for train, so I took a ride up to Vettakollen station and then walked the 2km or so up Vettakollen itself. Taking both camera and tripod I then proceeded to while away an hour photographing views over the city. Although it was a bit hazy I couldn’t resist taking a panorama. When I got home I couldn’t find the software I thought we had for stitching the pictures together. Fortunately Autostitch came to the rescue. Initially it didn’t include all of the photos (probably because the overlap was quite small) but tweaking the parameters as per the readme produced the following. See the original size image on flickr for the full effect.

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Sunday, March 23rd, 2008
502The sun was out in force again today so we thought we should make the most of it once again. We took the T-bane up to Voksenkollen where Christine hired some cross-country skis. I then walked up to Tryvann with Emma and then back down to Holmenkollen. This afternoon I went out for a run in the woods following some of the snowy trails over to Sognsvann, round the lake (although across it was one option!), and then back again. From what I’m hearing, there has been some snow back in the UK but they’re missing the sunshine to follow it! Only negative of today – I seem to be one lens cap short…
Posted in Photography, Running, Sport, Travel | Comments Off on More snowy capers
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
Whilst on the subject of Flickr, I’m making the most of being off work this week and catching up on a few overdue jobs. One of those is to add some more pictures of Emma to her collection to fill the gap over the past six months. If nothing else, it gave me an excuse to go back and look at those cute newborn photos and see how much she has changed over recent months!
Posted in Family, Photography | 4 Comments »
Monday, October 1st, 2007
A couple of weeks back, I had a message via Flickr asking whether Schmap could include a couple of my photos in their free online city guides. I didn’t have a problem with this and you can now find them here and here. I have to say I’m a bit dubious about a city guide that feels the need to include Oddbins in the shopping and food section, and even more so given they put my photo of Winchester Oddbins in the Southampton guide! I suspect they need to increase the resolution of their automated searches via the Flickr API.
Posted in Photography | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
404We were visiting Christine’s parents in Monmouth last week and on Thursday had a trip out to the Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo at Symonds Yat. There’s only the one medium sized glasshouse but it’s home to a good collections of butterflies. Emma didn’t last more than a couple of minutes inside though as it’s kept pretty humid. You’re given some identification cards which I’ve used to label most of the photos I took but there are two I haven’t got: one I forgot to label before deleting my photos of the cards and another that didn’t appear on the cards at all. If you know what they are, please let me know!
Posted in Photography, Travel | 4 Comments »