Archive for the ‘Running’ Category
Nordmarka Skogsmaraton
Saturday, June 14th, 2008Laces my undoing
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008Marathon training
Sunday, June 1st, 2008Waves at Sognsvann
Wednesday, May 28th, 2008With Christine’s parents here to babysit, both Christine and I could run at Sognsvann tonight and both decided to run two laps. Having emerged from the toilets just before the off it had completely passed me by that there were a number of start waves and I just joined in at the front. With most competitors racing round just the one lap it was quite difficult pacing myself and, with no-one around me for most of the second lap, I was definitely slowing. When two guys did eventually come past me, there was no chance that I could keep up. I’m assuming in hindsight, that they started in a later wave but rather embarrassingly they did also continue on to do a third lap. The eventual time on the clock was 24:35 which doesn’t sound so bad.
New role as women’s pacemaker
Wednesday, May 21st, 2008While hunting around for events to enter we came across Sportsklubben Rye’s Ryeløpet. This is a 5k race around Kongeskogen, Bygdøy. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I arrived yesterday evening, half an hour before the appointed time. The online details were a bit scant. I’d made a bank transfer but wasn’t totally convinced I’d even managed to enter successfully.
Sunday, May 11th, 2008Over lunch at the IBM office one day I had managed to get myself on to the reserve list for the Software Group team for Holmenkollstafetten. This is an annual 15 person relay around the streets of Oslo which, with a total distance of just 18km, manages to attract a massive entry. If you live in Oslo and are not running yourself you almost certainly know someone who is. As predicted, the drop out rate in our team was pretty high and in the week beforehand I was called up.
Active week
Friday, May 2nd, 2008It’s been an active week so far. Tuesday night was an Oslo City Cup race at Godliaparken on the west side of Oslo. A 1:5000 sprint race map again with a mix of fast woodland and open areas around the school and flats. My biggest mistake of the night was at the third control where I was a bit to the right. This cost me a whole 23 seconds but was enough for the guy who started 15 seconds behind me to catch up. I then spent the rest of the race desperately clinging on – my legs tired from two hilly runs at the weekend – only staying in touch by avoiding his small mistakes. Although only less than three minutes down on the winner, I’m still in the middle of the results. I think I’d be pushing it to run 3km in 13 minutes in terrain even if I didn’t have to find 19 controls!
Shopping, sights and snow
Saturday, April 12th, 2008