Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

In search of King Arthur

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

194Bade farewell to Porthtowan today and set off north up the coast. First stop was Bedruthan Steps which descend the cliff face to a picturesque beach. The tide was on the way out and I have to confess to a certain childish delight in being the first to clamber over the rocks and make footsteps in the pristine sand of the next bay. Sadly the nearby National Trust tea shop only takes cash so we had to wait until Padstow for lunch.


Lost apostrophe at end of land

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006

191We drove down to Land’s End today with Ian and Sarah. Parked at Sennen Cove and walked over the cliff tops to the hotel. Having just finished reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves it was disappointing to see that the tourist sign read “Lands End”! Avoided most of the theme park rubbish although the old trawler on display proved quite interesting.


The Eden Project

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

197Today we headed over to the Eden Project, meeting up with the rest of my family who are on holiday in Dorset. We started by touring around the outdoor exhibits. Undoubtedly Autumn is not the right time of year to visit these as the flowers were mostly past their best and many of the beds had already been cleared. I could have been tempted to try the overhead zip-wire (not sure how this is meant to be educational) although it later turned out this costs an extra £10!


Surfing with Gordon

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

182We’re down visiting my brother in law and his girlfriend who’ve recently moved to the small village of Porthtowan, midway between St Ives and Newquay on the north Cornwall coast. We were due a surfing lesson but Hurricane Gordon, although out in the mid-Atlantic, was still making 12ft waves here. This didn’t deter Ian though (perhaps due to an earlier blow to the head from a surfboard?!) and after investigating various beaches up the coast as far as Holywell Bay he settled on St Agnes. (Note that the black blob on the beach in the photo is a prone surfer not a seal! The black blobs in the sky are a result of me not cleaning dust off the camera sensor!)


Leisure time in Linköping

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

170I’ve had the pleasure of spending the past week in the city of Linköping in southern Sweden. I flew out via Copenhagen, transferring to a Skyways aircraft for the final hour’s journey to the tiny local airport. This is owned by SAAB whose adjacent aircraft factory, opened in 1937, is undoubtedly what propelled (if you’ll excuse the pun) Linköping to become Sweden’s fifth largest city.


Bus delays at Heathrow

Friday, September 1st, 2006

My return flight from Zurich landed bang on time despite delays going through security. Unfortunately a shortage of bus drivers then meant that I then had to wait half an hour whilst a single bus repeatedly made the fifteen minute round-trip to the Terminal 4 building!

Beach Tour in Bern

Friday, September 1st, 2006

The stand that appeared in Bundesplatz on Wednesday night (viewable from my hotel room) was eventually filled with sand and turns out to be the venue for a round of the Coop Beachtour. It seems to have brought the sunshine with it and I spent an enjoyable hour last night watching the men’s final. Beach volleyball certainly knows how to create an atmosphere but the rallys are a little short to sustain my interest.

Sadly, despite not having to go to the customer today, I’ve moved my flight forward so won’t be able to stay and watch the women’s event! Christine had also taken my DSLR back home with her so you’ll have to make do with the official photos.

Best Western Bären

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Our stay at the Best Western Bären started well enough (although I did try to check-in to the Best Western Bristol next door first!): they were able to accommodate my last minute request for a double room, allowed us in to our room before midday, and even provided vouchers for a free glass of champagne each. I should, however, have become suspicious when the room came complete with ear plugs as, at some ungodly hour this morning, a series of loud delivery vehicles came and went. Not much use being 2 minutes from the bus stop if I can’t enjoy the extra time in bed! Perhaps this is why the hotel offers those eating lunch the chance of a free afternoon nap?