Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

10 years on

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

Being presented with my “10 year pen” at a departmental meeting on Monday seems like a good excuse for a bit of a retrospective on my career with IBM…


Cornish delight

Monday, October 20th, 2008

679We spent a long weekend visiting Christine’s brother and his wife down in Falmouth. We headed down on Friday, stopping at Bridport for a lunchtime break. It was like a dream come true for Emma – more pebbles than she knew what to do with! On Saturday we headed over to the massive stretch of beach that is Hale Sands. Lots to see with kite surfing, land yachting, and land kiting (apologies to devotees if I’ve incorrectly labelled their favourite sport!). Emma enjoyed drawing in the sand but was a bit bemused by the rest of the party building a large fort and then proceeding to watch the sea take it over.

Holey smoke

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

I took Friday afternoon off so that we could get a head start on the crowds heading up to the Lake District. I successfully anticipated that the oil warning light would come on and we had already purchased the requisite supplies. Unfortunately after about an hour it became clear that there was growing noise coming from the exhaust. Not withstanding sounding like a boy racer, this started to give me a splitting headache (hopefully not due to petrol fumes!). Consequently, as things started to slow up as we approached Birmingham I was happy to fork out £4.50 to take the M6 toll road – a first for me – which also gave us the option of another set of services (Norton Canes).

Shipping arrives

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

Whoopee – our shipping finally arrived yesterday – a mere four weeks after it was collected in Oslo! It’s amazing how much you miss some really small things. For example, with our weighing scales back we can now start making bread again. (Christine tried guessing weights once and the result wasn’t pretty!) We also have our wireless router back (no more fighting over the internet connection) and Emma has more toys than she knows what to do with (not to mention a cot). Only negative: this morning Christine spotted a couple of inch long slashes in the high chair where it looks like someone has been a bit heavy-handed taking the wrappings off with a Stanley knife. Hopefully it’ll be covered by the insurance.

Embarrassing breakdown

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

Sadly it turned out that the quick charge that I gave the car battery following our return from Monmouth wasn’t going to be sufficient to get me in to work on Wednesday. Going via the sorting office to pick up a package the warning lights started popping up as I passed under the M3 on Leigh Road. I pulled in to the right hand lane to turn back for home at which point the engine cut out. Just where you want to be – in the middle of the road during rush hour.


Ha det Oslo

Friday, August 15th, 2008

The day finally came for our departure from Norway. The apartment inspection was fairly cursory – undoubtedly a good thing but still annoying when you’ve spent a lot of time cleaning! We then drove to the airport and returned the hire car for the final time. We were flying BA as their midday flight was the most convenient. We weren’t particularly impressed by the “fast” bag drop which took over 45 minutes. The check-in staff did, however, manage to move my seat. I was on a separate booking to Christine and Emma and had the mistake of checking in first only to discover that I then couldn’t change their seat online.


The Last Lunch

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

661Along with most of the rest of our belongings, the baby carrier will be picked up by the sipping company tomorrow so we decided that, despite the rain, we would take our last family walk in the Nordmarka. We drove up to a deserted Frognerseteren this morning and walked to Skjennungstua for lunch. Having seen only a couple of people on the way there we were a bit concerned that the hut might be closed but we needn’t have worried – it was doing a brisk business when we arrived. The Norwegians are obviously late risers at the weekend as we could probably have sold our parking space when we arrived back at Frognerseteren!

Oslo Tourism

Friday, August 8th, 2008

655With some of my vacation still to go we decided to be tourists in Oslo for 24 hours by purchasing an Oslo Pass. This entitles you to free entry to a whole raft of local attractions. Many we have already visited on previous visits to Oslo so the following is not a definitive list of Oslo’s greatest attractions.