Back to the Roads

Yesterday evening I headed down to Southampton University, not for the IBM Hursley Lecture (more shame me), but for the first of the winter road runs from the University. Thankfully the “mini tornado” that passed through work earlier in the day was long gone but it left a clear sky and a nip in the air. This accounts for the fact that my GPS trace doesn’t start at the beginning of the run – I was too busy sheltering in the warmth of the Murray Building to get a satellite fix before we started!

As is traditional, we started with the route out to Lordshill Sainsburys. There were eight of us that started but only three finished back at the University with one retiral, three taking shortcuts home and Peter Smith limping back in some time after us. The run reminded me that I need to invest in a new pair of road shoes. I finally ditched the last pair as they had given me blisters from the off but my trail shoes don’t have sufficient cushioning and my knees were starting to complain by the end of the run.

20091102 Sainsburys GPX

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