I had an e-mail from my colleague André Tost late last night indicating that he was already going to be two hours late leaving Dallas airport and therefore unlikely to make his connection in Frankfurt. This turned out to be the case and he was due in to Salzburg twenty minutes before his presentation was scheduled to begin. It was looking like I was going to have to deliver “Building an ESB: Where to start” after all. Consequently I missed the keynote speech as I was busy with some last minute cramming. Fortunately there were over 80 slides to fill just 75 minutes so, if I lingered on the subjects I knew well, there was little time left for the rest.
If nothing else, when it came to delivering my own pitch providing an introduction to the Java Message Service (a subject on which I can probably talk for well over 75 minutes without any slides) any last minute nerves were well and truly gone.