354At 23:37 on 26 May 2007, Emma Claire Currie was born at the Royal Hampshire Hospital, Winchester, weighing in at 8lb13oz (4kg). The birth was by caesarean section following a long and painful labour. Emma is sleeping and feeding well and enjoys wriggling and sticking her tongue out. Christine is tired but well. Daddy is very proud of them both.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, May 27th, 2007 at 10:05 pm and is filed under Family.
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Congratulations to you both! Some good news after my return to this soggy English Weather…Cyprus was much nicer!
Have you measured her up for some running shoes yet? 😉
Dave and Christine,
that is great news. Congratulations and I hope that everything is going well.
Congratulations to the three of you!
David, congratulations! Best of luck to you all.
Mary and David
Congratulations to you both.
Christine, Dave,
(In order of work done)
Well done, congratulations. A lovely baby.
Paul & Pat
Congratulations to you both. Hope to come visit soon, in the meantime I’m sending some stuff down with mum & dad. Hope you’re up and about soon [Christine]
Congratulations to you both! Found out in a very soggy Shropshire via a text from China to Lynn Blandford – good news travels fast. Really pleased that all 3 of you are well and look forward to meeting Emma at an orienteering event soon.
Ali, Darrell & Heather.
Congratulations to all three of you!
Love, Vesna
Congratulations to you and Christine – I’m really pleased for you both, and Emma looks very sweet!
Andrew Leonard just got back to work after his paternity leave and I think he is finding his altered waking/sleeping pattern a bit of a challenge, but I’m sure that you’ll get the hang of it!
Congratulations and well done to all three of you
See you all in the forest soon
Congratulations to you both from the OR group.
Great news! Go get some rest 🙂
Congratulations to both of you!
Dave and Christine,
Congratulations to you both! You do realise that the easy bit is now done.
Let the fun begin.
Hope to see the Three of you soon.
Ken, Cat, Alexander & Bump
Congratulations! Glad to hear that all are well.
Many congratulations – haven’t been monitoring progress as I’ve been away… that’s wonderful news 🙂
I didn’t see the good news until now.
David, on behalf of quite a few people in IBM Denmark (ISSW more specifically):
Congratulations to all of you. 🙂