Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Wilson Christening

Monday, August 17th, 2009

We headed up to Lancashire this weekend just gone for the christening of Christine’s cousin Cath’s son: Daniel Wilson. We stopped off in the Midlands on the way up (must remember that the “South” in “Warwick South Services” refers to the direction of the carriageway, not the location!) and completed the journey on Saturday morning. I had unfortunately been looking at the weather forecast for the south of England and hence wasn’t quite prepared for the downpour we experienced whilst out for a short walk with Steve’s family. We stayed the Saturday night at Cath’s parents before finding our way to the venue for the Christening: St James the Less in Rawtenstall. The priest delighted in telling us how short the ceremony was and then proceeded to regail us with a detailed history of the church to compensate. Daniel didn’t seem too put out about being dressed in a white frock and only resorted to tears when inverted over the font. It was good to seem so many of his family and just a shame that we had to disappear off early to start the long trek back down south.

West Key

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

I had a phone call from Christine this morning saying that she’d driven in to Southampton with Emma and when she got back from the parking meter she no longer had the car key. I cycled home, picked up the spare key, cycled to the station and took the train in to Southampton. Needless to say, just as I arrived Christine had been contacted by security in the retail park to say that a key had been handed in at the information desk in West Quay itself. Emma seemed to enjoy all of this fun and games but then she came out of it all with a new pair of shoes (now size 7) and a Fifi and the Flowertots potty (which seemed to do the trick when we got home!).

Party time

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

773Emma’s had a great day today. This morning was just a trip to the shops but Emma decided that, not only was she going to take a rucksac but she would also take a handbag! Apparently the essential item to carry in your handbag is a small teddy! Whilst Christine bought food we took a look at the scene of yesterday’s accident that made regional news. There wasn’t much to see though as the roof has now been propped up again and the area cordoned off so we continued on to the library. Emma typically does all of the jigsaws in the library whilst I hunt out books for her. When Emma did eventually take an interest in the books (she does actually love hearing stories), she picked one off the shelf, sat down next to a girl who must have been about 5, said “Hello girl” and proceed to start on a story “One day…”!


Cycle taxi

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Christine was attending a graduation ceremony today so I agreed to collect Emma from nursery. Christine is now taking the car in to work so this meant transporting Emma on the back of my bike. This seemed like a good idea at the time but sadly the weather forecast was as reliable as usual and, rather than rain arriving in the evening, it had been tipping it down all afternoon. It’s now about 10 minutes cycling home and then about 15 minutes each way to the nursery (faster on the way there, slower when carrying Emma!). The rain eased off as I arrived at the nursery but we didn’t make it home before another shower came through. Emma seemed to enjoy it but I was more than happy not to head out in the rain again for a run.

Anderwood BBQ

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Thanks to Sam Massey for organising a good evening’s entertainment yesterday for SOC. Unfortunately there was a heavy downpour as we approached Anderwood which soaked the BBQ area but the weather then improved. Sam had put on a 45 minute score event with a handicap scheme that meant that the old/young had to get less controls. Sadly that meant I had to try and get all 20. In winter it may have been achievable but the head high bracken (which was also soaking wet in to the bargain) proved too much of an impediment and I only managed 19. The handicapping worked well with lots of different ages getting an adjusted 18-20 controls. Tamsin Moran was the winner having got her 14 controls with time to spare. The subsequent BBQ also went well although it was a shame there weren’t more members present. I dread to think quite how many sausages Emma ate!


Moving experience

Friday, July 10th, 2009

On Wednesday we finally moved house! There were only 3 properties and 4 parties involved, none of whom were being particularly obstructive, but it took an age to reach completion. I don’t think there was any point where I considered that it would all fall through but I did sometimes wonder whether we’d ever reach the end!


Run the Pubs (and Car Parks)

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

As regular readers may remember, around Xmas each year the Tuesday night runners do a run that takes in all of the pubs that we have visited during the year. This, it seems, was not enough of a challenge for Neil and he proposed that we should run not only all of the pubs, but also all of the car parks that we visit. This is particularly significant when it comes to our runs from Wilverley where we usual drink at Bank afterwards. As if this still wasn’t enough, Neil wanted to make it a round trip rather than the usual linear route. And, although to be fair he wouldn’t have known this at the time, he wanted to do it on a day when the temperature was in the mid 20s.


Let’s go fly a kite

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

768This afternoon we headed over to Lordshill Sports Ground for the Southampton Kite Festival for no particular reason other than it’s free and was something to do. The displays of kite flying were a little lack lustre despite the best efforts of the commentator but they were at the mercy of a pretty poor breeze. Emma enjoyed the colourful collection of flags and pendants that were up for sale. We successfully managed to steer her clear of the fairground rides but did pay the £1.50 to make and decorate our own small kite. We’ll have to give this a proper try when the wind is a bit more cooperative!