Archive for the ‘Running’ Category

Capricorn epic

Monday, July 24th, 2006

127I’m absolutely shattered from a weekend trip up to the Capricorn, held near Ingleton, North Yorkshire (not Ingelton, County Durham where Hedley, our chauffeur for the weekend, was going to take us). The Capricorn is a mix between an orienteering event and a mountain marathon: it takes place over two days and the course lengths (and climb) are high but you return to base between the two days and hence don’t have to carry camping equipment. We were also joined by Matthew Whipple, another SOC member.



Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

Runner’s World has an article on a fascinating piece of kit that let’s you turn an iPod Nano in to a speed and distance monitor for running. The Nike+ consists of the usual footpod and then a wireless receiver that plugs in to the base of the Nano. As well as the usual capabilities to record data and then sync with a computer, the unique selling point of the Nike+ is that it can also tell you through your headphones how you’re doing. In theory you need to fork out the £65 for a pair of Nike+ shoes to hold the footpod but the Runner’s World articles suggests that attaching it to the laces does the job just as well. The really unbelievable part of this technology is the price – just £19. Fortunately I don’t have an iPod Nano otherwise the temptation would be there!

Mynydd Troed fell race

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

96Running up and down grassy banks in Copenhagen really isn’t good preparation for a Welsh Fell Race! Estimates varied but the final advertised statistics were 7 miles and some 2700 feet of climb. The race started in the vicinity of The Castle Inn, climbed to the trig point to the West and ran along the ridge of Mynydd Troed before dropping down in to the valley at Blaenaudraw. We then turned North, dropping down Cockit Hill before climbing to the trig point once more.

Danish deer

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

93Had another great run this evening. Drove the few miles to Dyrehaven, Copenhagen’s equivalent of Richmond Park. The deer were certainly in evidence and generally much tamer than those in the New Forest (10 metres was about the limit before they would take off) although one of the first herd I came across tried to make a run at me. Unfortunately my camera battery gave out shortly before reaching a group of stags with impressive antlers.

Lyngby Lakes

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

90Staying in a hotel out of the city centre definitely has its benefits. As you can see from the photo, Lyngby is a pretty green place and I enjoyed a 50 minute run, mostly off-road, including a trip around one of the lakes. Even managed to get my trainers muddy which isn’t something I often achieve while away on business!

Freetown running

Thursday, May 18th, 2006

Went for a run from the hotel this evening and planned to do a lap of the nearby waterway shown on the map. This proved to be quite a good session with the numerous steps up and down the steep banks surrounding the water a passable substitute for hill reps. It was only when I got back that I discovered that the various ramshackle buildings on the route form Christiania, a semi-legal independent community. Perhaps not the most salubrious part of town and not somewhere I’d return to after dark.

RR10 season starts

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

The RR10 season kicked off again tonight with the first race being held at Royal Victoria Country Park as has become traditional. This is usually a good race to get a high position: one of the larger clubs is organising, the London Marathon has just happened or, as this year, is about to happen, people are still on Easter hols and other just haven’t realised that it’s that time of year again already. I was still, however, slightly unnerved not to recognise anyone at the front of the line-up.


National Road Relays

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

61Christine and I were drafted in at the last minute to represent Southampton at the National Road Relays in Sutton Park today. There are 12 legs for the men and 6 for the women. I was on 12th and consequently, after a flying start from Andy Morgan-Lee, had nearly 4 hours to kill before my 3 miles of glory. When the moment eventually came (narrowly missing the mass start) it decided to start hailing!
