Archive for the ‘Running’ Category

Thursday night run

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

Tonight was my first Tuesday night run of the week having attending the SOC club night last week. We did the Thursday Night Run backwards (apparently!). I was just glad to keep my dinner down having finished eating only half an hour before the run. I’ve got used to eating at half five these days and find it hard to wait until eight o’clock or later. I put it down as good mountain marathon training!

Frosty Cross-Country

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

706It was the Hampshire Cross-Country Champs today which, as in recent years, was held at Dibden. The temperature was in the low single figures and, as we drove down to the event, the trees had a good frosting on them. The timing of the senior races is always a bit awkward with Christine off at 12:50 and myself 50 minutes later. This meant I was feeding Emma her lunch whilst Christine was out running and trying not to eat too much of it myself!


Run Some Pubs

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

702On Saturday, the annual “Run the Pubs” took place where we run between all of the pubs that have been visited as part of the Tuesday night runs during the preceeding summer. I was still feeling a bit under the weather so was happy enough when Christine suggested that we run it as a relay. Unfortunately my leg was considerably longer than her’s: The High Corner Inn to Bank (via the Royal Oak, Sir Walter Tyrell and New Forest Inn) versus Bank to Beaulieu Road Station. I survived though to enjoy the post-run meal at the final pub. (Note: Darren did make it to the finish this year, just not in time for the photo!)

Dibden Street-O

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Thanks to Jon Forster for organising the first SOC street-O of the year at Dibden. Jon had promised that this year it would be ‘doable’ to get all the controls (lamposts). With the tail end of a cold and the occasional wrong turn it wasn’t going to be (and it would have been tough even on a good day). I made all but two and was just under a minute late (although I’ll claim that back from number 16 being out by one lampost).

Chalk Hill

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

A small but hardy crew braved the bitterley cold weather tonight for a run up Chalk Hill (which forms the Eastern edge of the route shown below).

Tuesday Thursday Run

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

Yesterday night’s run was what is confusingly referred to as the Thursday night run after it’s original place in the weekly running calendar. It was a fairly fast-paced run with not a lot of stopping so I was glad to have a bit of spring in my step (probably due to having not done much for the past few days). Unfortunately my watch hadn’t picked up enough satellites when we started off so the run appears to start somewhere in Portswood. You can imagine for yourself how we might have made it to there.


Heart still beating

Monday, November 17th, 2008

My Garmin has failed to read my heart rate for a few weeks now (probably longer as I actually rarely look at the trace once downloaded). Rather than replace the battery again, I thought I’d use the spare strap that Garmin sent me last time they replaced my watch. Although I knew the transmission between strap and watch was coded, what I hadn’t realised was that the pairing was a one off process and the watch thereafter remembered which strap it should be talking to. Fortunately it’s a simple matter (once you’ve consulted the manual) to select Settings > General > Accessories from the main menu and then, for the heart monitor, select Restart Scan. And voila, I once again have a heart beat. I’ve even added the heart rate back on to the main display of my watch so maybe I’ll actually start looking at it!

QE2 sightseeing run

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

In honour of the QE2 departing Southampton for the last time (it’s heading off to Dubai to become a floating hotel), we decided to do the Itchen Bridge run last night with the minor variation that we crossed to the south side of the bridge to join the hordes looking out over the water to where the brightly illuminated QE2 was berthed. If we’d been a bit more prepared we should have started running half an hour later as, when the fireworks started to mark the ship’s departure, we were already on our way back up the Avenue.