Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Messaging Administration Guide

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

I’ve largely given up posting links to interesting content on this site – see my delicious feed for that. However, many of my original posts related to messaging and WebSphere Application Server and hence I suspect a reasonable proportion of those who stumble across this site are interested in that subject. Consequently, I feel it’s appropriate to advertise the new WebSphere Application Server V7 Messaging Administration Guide. This document covers both the default messaging provider and WebSphere MQ support. Don’t be misled by the title – although it does provide detailed information on the administration of resources, the background information on concepts and topologies is equally relevant to developers and architects. The document also has a good section on securing the default messaging provider.

Windows disk confusion

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

I wasn’t best pleased this morning to find that I couldn’t log on to my laptop. I’d get as far as the logon prompt at which point any key press would cause everything to freeze. The only other noticeable effect was that the backdrop was missing. Safe mode made no difference but I could boot happily off a Linux Live CD. Needless to say a call to IBM’s European Service Center (which most certainly isn’t in Europe) was suitably frustrating. Why, given my serial number, they can’t work out where I am and what my machine, is I’ll never know. I guess I should just be grateful that at least there was an option not to have any music whilst on hold!


Connection timeout on web service import

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Here’s a short write-up of the answer to a question I was posed by a colleague yesterday: how do you set the timeout for a web service import? The answer, as any good consultant would say, is that it depends…

Scripting modification of HTTP bindings

Friday, June 26th, 2009

If you find yourself needed to make use of the modifySCAImportHttpBinding command make sure read the documentation in the InfoCenter carefully. Even if you are modifying a property at the import level it isn’t sufficient simply to specify the import parameter. The property that you are modifying must also be enclosed in a tag with the name of the import binding. So the example given is:

$AdminTask modifySCAImportHttpBinding -moduleName MyMod -import Import1 -connectionRetries <Import1>3</Import1>

Thankfully the InfoCenter has been recently updated as a result of APAR JR31724 as previously you just had to guess at the syntax! Perhaps I should now try and get them to fix the description of the command which I see states “The modifySCAImportHttpBinding command changes the JNDI name of one or more of the resources associated with an HTTP import binding.”! One suspects someone may have been a little generous on the old cut and paste…

Free WebSphere Application Server

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

This one’s doing the rounds of various IBM related blogs but I think it’s sufficiently momentous for me to give it a mention in case you haven’t seen it elsewhere. WebSphere Application Server for Developers provides a free development runtime environment using the full WebSphere Application Server V7 product. What you don’t get is support but feel free to ask questions on the developerWorks forum.

WebSphere ESB Forum

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

There has been a WebSphere ESB newsgroup for a long while but it doesn’t see a lot of traffic compared to its sibling Integration Developer and Process Server groups. At least part of that has been due to the fact that they have been mirrored on the developerWorks forums which tend to be the preferred interface for many developers this days (although not myself!) whilst the WebSphere ESB one has not. My colleague Dave Screen has now got this rectified so post your WebSphere ESB questions here!

WebSphere Integration Developer for ESB

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

A top tip just in from the WebSphere Integration Developer team… If you only use WebSphere Integration Developer to develop for WebSphere ESB (and not Process Server) then go to Window > Preferences and select General > Capabilities. Then click the Advanced button and expand Integration Developer. If you uncheck Process Development then the Process Server specific options (e.g. SCA module creation) will be filterered out of the menu structures. It’s not perfect (the new business integration module wizard for example doesn’t take account of the enabled capabilities) but it goes a fair way to removing some of the clutter that is not relevant to you as a WebSphere ESB developer. Thankfully there are plans to make the option easier to find in future releases!

Setting promoted properties on install

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

There have been a couple of questions recently on an internal forum asking how best to parameterise a module. For mediation modules the seemingly obvious answer is via promoted properties. However, in these scenarios the parameterisation was required to handle the deployment of a module in to different environments and the originators felt that promoted properties were more about making administrative changes to properties post-deployment. I pointed out that, in the admin console, if you use the J2EE application installation process (rather than the install button on the SCA modules panel) and select the “Show me all installation options and parameters” radio button then you will find a panel entitled “Edit module properties” that allows you to modify promoted properties on installation.
