Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Camping on Purbeck

Friday, August 24th, 2012

One day in and the weather forecast was set to be dry for at least the next few days: staycation over! The first campsite Christine phoned in Dorset had space and we started packing the car! Travelling down to Dorset on a Friday in summer is never the best of ideas and we had to sit in a few queues on the way down. The campsite (Norden Farm) on the outskirts of Corfe was much as we’d expected – lots and lots of caravans and tents but you did get a small playground and some scraggy looking farm animals to amuse the children. On our first full day we headed down to the beach on the Swanage Railway. I’m not sure the children were too fussed with the steam engine but they enjoyed the pirates (local Lions club members) on board handing out chocolate money. It was a bit overcast but warm enough to make the most of the beach and we ticked lots of boxes with sandcastles, ice cream, Punch and Judy and a tea cup ride!

On the next full day we walked along the ridge from the campsite to Corfe Castle (my Dad had recently purchased National Trust membership for us which we used to the full on this holiday!). The children enjoyed the quest, learning about castle life and answering questions to earn their ‘gold medal’ on the way out. The sun was in evidence and, with the children feeling a bit frazzled, I walked back to pick up the car so that we could head down to Middle Beach on Studland Bay for a couple of hours (also National Trust owned).

The National Trust card was also burning the next day. We parked at their Shell Beach car park and took the chain ferry over to Sandbanks. From there, we took the ferry across to Brownsea Island. We didn’t managed to walk round the whole island but we did manage to tick off all of the items on Emma’s latest trail including the peacocks and, more illusive, a red squirrel.

As the weather was still set to stay fair, we extended our stay by one more night and headed back to Studland Bay, spending our last day at Knoll Beach. We must have spent about five hours just playing in the sand with the occasional foray in to the water. We didn’t even have to resort to the rather swish looking NT cafe.

All good things must come to an end and, with rain forecast, we packed up the tent the next morning whilst it was still dry and headed for home. The journey home took a good hour less than that on the way there, reminding us of just how close this beautiful part of the country is if you travel at the right time! I think the best part of the holiday though had to be the fact that we left the pushchair at home. Duncan walked everywhere and with little complaining. Long may it continue!

SeaCity Museum

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

We had been entirely inept in our holiday planning this summer and consequently the appointed time arrived and we had a) not had Emma’s passport back four weeks after sending it off for renewal (how much trouble can a five year old have got in to?!) and b) not booked anything in this country either. So our staycation started with a trip on the train to the new(ish) SeaCity Museum in Southampton.

It costs an arm and a leg to get in (if your not a Southampton resident) and we were grateful that the girl at the desk ignored Emma’s last birthday. Emma was primed with the obligatory museum trail which, combined with an assortment of flaps to open and close, kept her and Duncan amused in the Titanic gallery whilst the adults actually tried to read a paragraph or too. There were a few hi-tech hands-on exhibits which were well done although they tended not to support many hands so there was some queuing involved. It must be chaos if they have a school party in!

We then moved on to the “Gateway to the World” exhibition which was also well done. I certainly learnt a few things about the area even if the children didn’t (e.g. that there was a motorway spur road planned that would have obliterated much of the Portswood Road area). The last exhibition was “Titanic the legend” which wasn’t much to write home about but did give Emma a chance to do some colouring and make a paper hat (having given up on the trail).

By now it was lunchtime so we thought we’d sample the café rather than trek in to town. This proved to be a bit of a mistake. The food was reasonable but the service was pretty dire. The staff were well meaning but they seemed generally incompetent. After about 20 minutes of waiting for my quiche I went to enquire about it at which point it became clear that my order hadn’t made it from the till to the kitchen! During the intervening time we saw food go back uncooked, cutlery not provided and order numbers reused (or perhaps they were table numbers but we were given ours before we’d selected a table)…

We ended our trip out with a quick look around the adjoining art gallery (free) but Duncan was getting tired by now having been made to walk everywhere so it wasn’t long before we were on the train back home. All-in-all, a reasonable day out but not one we’ll be looking to repeat in a hurry. I’d have included more photos but for some reason photography wasn’t permitted in most parts of the museum (another black mark).

Cardboard rockets

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

1043On one of my days off looking after Emma we paid a return visit to INTECH. Emma certainly remembered her previous visit as there were various exhibits that we had to seek out. A year older, I still don’t think she was particularly interested in the science behind it all as we flitted from shiny object to the next. Neither of us was particularly impressed by the science of sport area where there was more sport than science. The other special exhibit was ‘meet a physicist’ which I approached with caution, particularly as they all appeared to be female! They were showing you how to program a Lego Mindstorms robot to replicate the Curiosity’s roving of Mars (topical as Curiosity had just landed the day before). Not much physics there that I could see and I was distinctly unimpressed by the time it took to compile the trivial program but Emma seemed to enjoy it.

This time we went to see “Secret of the Cardboard Rocket” in the planetarium. I thought this was preferable to our previous encounter with the moles as a) I actually learnt a thing or two and b) there were some good star sequences. Emma wasn’t so sure due to the loud thunderstorm on Saturn!

Black Mountains and Butterflies

Monday, July 30th, 2012

1040At the start of the school holidays I accompanied Christine and the children up to her parents’ where they were going to stay for the week. We left the children in their care on Saturday and headed off for a long walk in the Black Mountains. We parked up at Llanbedr and followed the start of the Black Mountains fell race up Table Mountain and north along the ridge to Waun Fach. We decided just to head back south from there along what would have been the edge of the forest had most of it not been felled. That did at least mean we had 360 degrees view along what is otherwise a rather long and dull ridge. The weather held up whilst we were out and it was just nice to be able to walk a decent distance (probably around 15 miles) at something more than a snails pace!

On the Sunday, we headed back to the Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo. Emma lasted considerably longer than on our previous visit. After waiting for a downpour to pass, we also tried out the Hedge Puzzle. Duncan chose the wrong parent as Emma and I exited the maze and made it under cover before the next shower. Emma and I then completed the trio with a round of mini golf. We also had a short walk along the river to the scene of our wedding reception (which looked even more like a shed than I remembered!).

At the end of the weekend I headed home for five days as a single child-free man!

Emma’s five!

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

1034It was Emma’s fifth birthday last weekend. In a compromise between quiet affair at home and all expensive paid trip out, we booked a local hall and invited all of the girls in Emma’s class, a few of the boys and a few random others. The party wasn’t until the afternoon though and fortunately Grandad and Granny Sue were around to take Emma and Duncan off to the SOC orienteering in Valley Park to contain the excitement whilst the preparations continued. (I escaped from my duties just in time to pedal over and have a run round myself. Despite having drawn the map I still took a few wrong turns but managed to head up the results.)

We had half an hour to get set up in the hall before the 16 guests arrived. They were being treated to various craft activities on the “Under the sea” theme, party games and then party tea. It all seemed to go along fairly smoothly although I’ll confess to hiding in the kitchen for much of the time! Mr Bump (our cold compress that Christine happened to put in) got rather a lot of use but there is a suspicion that this may have been related to the sweet that accompanied each incident.

When the two hours were over and the parents returned to claim their children, there was a big sigh of relief as we put the hall back in order. Emma settled to open up the large pile of presents which resulted from having so many guests, all of which were well received. In anticipation of this, we hadn’t bought her much in the way of toys but the books, clothes and swimming related items (Emma finally got promoted to the next swim class and an orange swim hat on Sunday) also went down well. The biggest present would be the new (second hand) bike from Granny Sue and Grandad. That will
take a bit of getting used to as there are no stabilisers.

There are few photos of the day in this Flickr collection. Having failed to collect consent forms from all of the parents, those with friends/family links on Flickr will be the only ones to see those from the party!

Wildlife 10K

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

1028Christine is now a member of Eastleigh Running Club and volunteered to help marshal at their annual Marwell 10K. This, of course, had nothing to do with securing free entry to the wildlife park for her and her two little helpers! I had to run 10K to get my ticket in to the event! We arrived early for Christine’s briefing and then I had to sit outside the entrance for half an hour until competitors were allowed in to the park. I then watched the fun run with them (Emma was a week too young to run) before heading off to warm up.

At the start, I placed myself squarely in the 35-40 minute start box. There were a fair number of people in the box in front but it’s an undulating course and, as the results show, only two people actually made it back in under 35 minutes. I found it pretty hard going and when we hit the downhill stretch from 6k to the finish I couldn’t pick up the pace. Still, I finished in 37:33 which was under the 38 minutes I would have predicted and over a minute less than my time from 2005 so I must be improving with age!

Christine failed miserably to take any pictures of me running so here’s a random one of me from one of her club mates. Although it was a little bit nippy, we then proceeded to make the most of the rest of our day at Marwell.

Sparsholt Countryside Day

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

1031I’m hoping to use the double Bank Holiday weekend to post a few belated blog entries starting with two weekends back. On a run, someone had mentioned that there was an open day at Sparsholt College on the Saturday and, as the proceeding week’s rain had finally come to an end, we decided to head along and take a look. As we turned in to a huge parking field packed with cars I realised I had understimated the scale of the event. I had also underestimated the size of the campus and, even with tractor trailer rides a plenty, there was still a lot of ground to cover in the couple of hours that we had left before closing.

We managed to take in the farm, equine centre, plant sale, Gardeners’ Question Time garden (Duncan provided them with some water!), inflatables, birds of prey, assorted farm machines and tropical fish but there was still lots more to see and if we go again we’d definitely make a day of it. Needless to say, when asked for her favourite bit, Emma replied with “the ice cream”!

Tooth fairy short changed

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

1025I had a phone call at work earlier this week to tell me that Emma had lost a tooth. She’s been saying it was wobbly for a while so it was no great surprise. Unfortunately, there is no sign of the tooth and the suspicion is that it was swallowed along with the apple she was eating at the time. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to want to retrieve it and the tooth fairly settled for a note explaining the situation! I can’t begrudge her £1: she’s spent some of it on stickers for my birthday.

In other news, Duncan is potty training again this weekend with about a 50% hit rate. Further evidence of the children ageing: I’ve finally got round to removing the remaining stair gate (children swinging on it being more of a danger than falling down the stairs) and most of the cupboard locks in the kitchen (so hopefully they’ll stay on their hinges a bit better).