Today marks the start of two months of leave for me. (No, before you ask, IBM aren’t quite that generous. It’s a mixture of vacation and unpaid parental leave.) It will be a chance for me to spend some time with Emma and Christine and hopefully get enough sleep to avoid turning in to a zombie. (Maybe they’ll even be a little bit of time left over to start on that list of jobs longer than my arm!) I haven’t had this long off work since… well… since I started work, so it’s a bit of a scary prospect. I’m still debating what’s the right approach to my work e-mail. I can’t ignore it completely as a) there are likely to be some notes on the work/non-work boundary that I’ll want to see and b) I couldn’t face catching up on a two month backlog when I return. However, I also know that I could easily get sucked in to doing too much. For now I’m going to settle for ignoring the internal newsgroups and forums and logging in every few days to delete the circulars and forward on the questions to my colleagues who’ve graciously agreed to cover for me.
Archive for the ‘Family’ Category
Man of leisure
Monday, June 18th, 2007South Downs Marathon
Sunday, June 17th, 2007Emma the orienteer
Friday, June 15th, 2007Emma completed her royal tour of our typical weekly outdoor activities by attending her first orienteering event yesterday – SOC’s evening event at Shawford Down. Spurning the white course, Emma went straight for the yellow although admittedly leg propulsion was provided by her Dad and navigation by her Mum. As with the RR10 and Tuesday night run, Emma obviously considered the occasion so exciting that she slept through it all, only waking to test out her lungs on the way home. Many thanks to Andrew Nash for planning.
Settling in at home
Thursday, May 31st, 2007Emma Claire Currie
Sunday, May 27th, 2007Laborious labour
Sunday, May 27th, 2007I’m not sure “nice” was the right word to use about the state of affairs when I arrived at the hospital in Winchester. Christine had been having painful contractions throughout most of the night and the co-codamol they had given her had caused her to be sick. However, when she was eventually moved to the labour ward around one o’clock she was a promising 5-6cm dilated.
Saturday, May 26th, 2007We went in to Winchester hospital yesterday afternoon where Christine was due to be induced. One prostaglandin tablet later and after hours of monitoring (don’t believe a midwife when she says “just another five minutes”!) the contractions were coming along nice and regularly when I left late last night. The pain was starting to kick in a little for Christine, probably not helped by the screams from the neighbouring labour ward! She was due another monitoring session this morning and, given that at half six in the morning I’ve just had a call asking me to come in (after getting some breakfast otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this) then I guess things are still moving along nicely.
Car seats
Friday, May 4th, 2007One of the last items missing from our baby list was a car seat. We wanted something fairly light which, when it comes to baby paraphernalia, conveniently seems to mean buying the cheapest you can get. The first seat we tried was consequently Mothercare’s bottom of the range model. Much to my horror it turned out that the seat belts on our 2000 Seat Leon are on the short side and were a tight fit. This being one of the smallest seats on offer it didn’t bode well.